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Genital Surgery

What kinds of women genital surgery are there?

1 – Vaginoplasty (vague throttling)

2 – Labioplasty (small lip aesthetics)

3 – Klitoroplasty (the aesthetics of the clitoris)

4 – Hymenoplasty (hymen repair)

Why is a vaginoplasty performed?

Genital Surgery; Especially after a normal birth, the vagina can expand and deform. The shape and width may interfere with women as sexual dissatisfaction and lack of willingness and pleasure among men during sexual intercourse. These problems can be narrowed with the vaginoplasty and avoided.

How is a vaginoplasty performed?

Supported sedation can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The surgical procedure lasted about 30 minutes. With this operation, the loose and the impaired function of the vagina muscles and mucosa are removed. Thus, the vaginal canal is narrowed.

What is and how is labioplasty made?

In the area of female genital labia (small lips) is a surgical procedure done. Some women have big, long, hanging, or Different labia. This situation affects the external appearance of the vagina and the clitoris with skin may overlap so that the sexual desire in women impaired.
The surgical operations allow the labia of the vagina getting younger and more vibrant look and fixes the sexual dysfunction, this leads to an increased feeling of pleasure during intercourse.

Causes small labia problems?

Some women may experience larger or smaller labia than others. This condition does not cause sexual dysfunction. Not only because of the appearance of the vagina can suffer psychologically underneath women. In such situations, a tissue transformation is performed.

Can a fat injection be performed in the genital area?

In particular, in the so-called environment mons pubis can be fatty tissue reduced in the genital region with time. In the same way also the labia shrink (part of the lip) and diluted due to different causes.

In such cases, these areas are injected with the fatty tissues of your body fat by liposuction. Thus, a much more lively and will get a fuller look.
In some cases where there is more than adipose tissue, particularly in the genital area aesthetic liposuction is provided in this region.


In women the clitoris and female sexual organs feel pleasure during sex helps to experience. For this reason, not only the appearance of the clitoris but also increasing the sense of pleasure with a surgical procedure is done in a correction.

What is Hymenoplasty?

Repair of the hymen. Supported by a sedation surgery is performed under local anesthesia. After 2-4 hours can be discharged the same day and return to normal life.