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What is Gynecomastia?

A feminine and oversized male breasts is known as gynecomastia. For men, this condition leads to serious trouble. It is normal that the breast slightly enlarges during puberty, but after puberty, it is expected that this usually takes a turn. Although certain medications and medical conditions that cause gynecomastia, the cause is unknown for the majority of people.

Is liposuction for gynecomastia treatment enough?

Gynecomastia is the breast size in men defined. This can be attributed mainly to the growth of excess breast tissue. However, some people have more fatty tissue in the chest and this let the chest appear larger. In these cases it may be sufficient to reduce the male breast liposuction. For most people, liposuction is performed with the distance from the excess breast tissue together.

How is gynecomastia surgery performed?

This can be done under general or local anesthesia. If only liposuction was applied, the patient can go home on the same day in the evening. But if cuts must be made, in order to remove the breast tissue, the patient may remain in the hospital for one night. The incision is placed on the abutment of the black portion of the breast thus the possibility of scarring is reduced. After the operation to return to everyday life of about 3-5 days is possible.

Other operations can be added to the gynecomastia surgery?

With a gynecomastia surgery can aesthetic rhinoplasty, liposuction (waist, abdomen) Duch result in appropriate patients in combination with other cosmetic surgical anesthesia in the same session. Thus, a common time for the healing of all operations is assigned.