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Hand And Arm Aesthetics

When a hand is necessary to aesthetics?

Hand And Arm Aesthetics; The hands are one of the most visible parts of our body. Cold, heat, chemicals and sunlight are factors that adversely affect the age structure of our hands. Also by external influences caused wounds, contusion, and stains in your hands.

We use our hands 24 hours a day for everything we do, our hands are after our face  the eye-catcher. After the contact time on our hands, wrinkles, spots and sagging skin accumulates. In a face-lift surgery, the hands fall on the most. To overcome the existing problems comes back the plastic and cosmetic surgery comes into play.

Which techniques in hand aesthetics are there?

Correct the appearance of your hands to smooth wrinkles, beautiful and younger looking hands and fingers to have the hand is applied aesthetics. There is even a little fat removed with liposuction method of the patient. Wrinkles are distributed from the extracted fat on hand so that you get the fullness and healthy looking hands and fingers.

The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and can be seen in everyday life back the same day. The process takes about 30-60 minutes. PRP method is widely used nowadays are removed with fine wrinkles on the hands.

When is an arm-Tension selected?

Over time, genetic factors, such as age, obesity or sagging arms formed in such cases, the procedure is performed. This development is quite disturbing for people particularly in the selection of clothing, it is very stressful.

This is usually between the shoulder and the elbow. Sometimes on by too fast and a minimal increase in weight flabby arm unit produced. The main purpose of the OP is to achieve a healthier and aesthetic appearance.

How is a tension arm surgery done?

If you are overweight, it is assumed that can be eliminated by liposuction the excess fat. If liposuction is not sufficient to the extent that by extremely loose skin of excess tissue with a facelift procedure is accelerated.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes an average of 1 -1.5 hours. In the region of the elbow to the shoulder, the sagging skin and excess fat are removed shoulder. After 5-7 days, depending on the procedure, you can return to working life.

You can add other beauty surgical operations to the arm lift surgery?

In appropriate patients can get a breast reduction or breast augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction and other cosmetic surgery in the same session as manually performing a single combined anesthesia. Thus, a common time for the healing of all operations is assigned.