What should be the ideal butt?
Popo Aesthetics; As with all matters related to the aesthetics of the ideal shape of your butt varies depending on the patient’s point of view. However, there is a generally accepted form of the butt. This is not from the left and right of the butt out, rounded, slightly to the rear protruding shape of a butt.
What should you do to find the perfect butt shape?
Liposuction is used for large and wide hips by removing the excess fat and a real shape is given. Where a lack of texture of the butt is a prosthesis for the ideal form aligned and conducted a fat injection at the butt. When flaccid tissue tuck procedure, the tissue removed too many and streamlined with a prolapse.
How to sustaining by liposuction a nice butt?
In general, fuller hips, liposuction is performed and to obtain a protruding, tighter and forward protruding butt shape is performed fat injection of their own body fat in the necessary areas. Thus preserving the patient’s shaped, firmer and fuller shape protruding buttocks. The method has the characteristic of a normal liposuction.
How is the procedure performed a prosthetic butt?
A Po prosthetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Average does the procedure take about 1-1.5 hours. Through an incision in the middle of the butt the butt implant is inserted. The stay in the hospital for one night. 7-10 days dependent on the professional life to return to normal business life begins.
Can other beauty Aesthetic Surgical operations are added to the procedure?
In the buttocks cosmetic surgery can be performed as a single combined anesthesia breast reduction or enlargement in appropriate patients, tummy tuck, liposuction and other cosmetic surgery in the same session. Thus, a common time for the healing of all operations is used.